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Employment Opportunities

Here at the sixth form we understand that employment helps furnish you with additional skills, qualities, experience and confidence. This is why we offer the opportunity to take up a number of paid and unpaid employment opportunities.

Our students find that the experience they gain from their employment with us provides an additional level of depth for their applications to university or employers.

Paid work

Academic mentors                         

You have an outstanding opportunity to work with and support our younger students to help them make progress in their studies. Using your own knowledge and experience you can make a real difference to others.

Lunchtime supervisors                  

This paid employment opportunity allows you to support other members of staff who work across the school supervising students during lunchtime. You will have the opportunity of working within the canteens or on a duty area in order to protect the safety and well-being of all students.

Display technicians                         

You will have the chance to let your creative talents shine, while also developing and maintaining display boards across the college site. Working with teachers and year coordinators you will create a variety of eye-catching and informative displays to support learning and provide valuable information to all.              

Premises management                

Working with the premises site staff you will provide support for Parents’ Evenings, Open Evenings, productions, extra-curricular activities and even the 3G pitch.

Unpaid work


In this role, students work alongside subject departments to best support them and their students. You will be a point of contact at various Open Evenings and extra-curricular events, or support students in their learning though your own academic knowledge and experience. 


A key element in supporting whole school literacy is the work of the library. This is an excellent opportunity to work with the school librarian and the English department in order to provide students with access to a wide range of reading and learning resources.


Many of our students are willing to give up their time to support one-off projects or a variety of regular activities across the school.