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At Holderness Academy we believe that engaging students in regular assessment and feedback as part of their learning journey supports them to make progress in their learning. On average assessment takes place every 5 seconds in a modern classroom. This can be anything from the way a student responds with a certain look, to self/peer-assessment, to more formal assessments that are marked by the teacher.

Pieces of work that are marked by the teacher can range substantially depending on what specific purpose the teacher is using the assessment for, and what possible inferences they would like to make. The range of assessments could include, but are not limited to; formal tests, individual exam style questions, extended pieces completed over a number of weeks and shorter pieces completed within a lesson. The majority of these pieces of work are fixed in exercise books. There are however exceptions; if they are completed electronically or are practical tasks. Teachers place yellow stickers with these pieces of work and they specifically include an area/s for development, bridging the gap from where the student is to where they are trying to get to. Students then respond to the teacher’s guidance in their book using a green pen.

Internal Examinations

A formal internal, end of year examination is taken by all students in Years 7 – 10.  These examinations are designed to prepare students for the external linear examinations they will take at the end of Key Stage 4 and their Sixth Form Studies.

In Year 11 and the Sixth Form, students sit Pre Public Examinations (PPEs).  These examinations, completed under the same conditions as the external GCSE and A Level examinations, are designed to provide a realistic experience and prepare students for approaching examination seasons.