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Fundamental British Values

The Department for Education sets out five clear strands in their definition of British Values, and Holderness Academy and Sixth Form College wholeheartedly agrees with these:

  • Democracy: The right to vote and have your say in how our country and local area is run.

  • Individual Liberty: The freedom to believe what you want and act as you like within the laws of our country.

  • The Rule of Law: All people should follow the laws in Britain. These laws are designed to protect everybody in the country.

  • Mutual Respect: That two people, no matter how different they are, can live harmoniously in the same society.

  • Tolerance of Others: To have a fair attitude towards people whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic background, differ from your own.


The values above have been taught at the Academy for many years through our curriculum. Many of the values fit into our Philosophy and Ethics and ARRK curriculum which is mapped and tracked across all subjects. In short, all staff at Holderness Academy are responsible for identifying and delivering British Values through their everyday contact with pupils.


Holderness Academy translates the above strands into the following list:

  • Knowing what is right and wrong
  • Democracy and how you can influence decision-making
  • Why we have rules / laws and what are our responsibilities
  • Holding institutions to account (bodies such as the police, army, NHS, education)
  • Freedom to hold other faiths and accept others
  • Discrimination and prejudice (identifying and combating)
  • Being tolerant and having respect
  • Speaking up where you see wrong-doing
  • Standing up for those who are weaker than ourselves (through institution as well)
  • Being the best we can be and inspiring others to do the same


Listed below are some examples of how we promote these values in our school community. ​


Student voice is incredibly important to HA with our Student Council and Junior Leadership teams meeting regularly across the academic year. Our students have to run for election by campaigning, creating manifestos, making speeches, producing posters and even making video clips. The whole academy, including their peers and staff, vote for their Student Council representatives who then serve for a one year term.

The Student Council have a voice in Teaching and Learning, the day-to-day functioning of the school, the production of planners, the curriculum and a wide range of topics that affect the students. Students also feedback to their peers and listen to their thoughts in order to represent them to the best of their ability. The Student Council also receive training on leadership skills and take part in activities to further understand how wider democracy works. 

The Rule of Law

Throughout their daily lives at the Academy, students will encounter rules and laws. These rules and laws are constantly reinforced throughout the day, both in the classroom and outside. Through individual subjects, our Philosophy & Ethics and ARRK curriculum, drop-down mornings and through our Behaviour for Learning policy, students understand the reasons and values behind the rules and laws and also understand that there are sanctions if they do not follow them.

The Academy also invites in various authorities such as our safer schools partnership officer and the Fire Service to deliver assemblies, speak to individuals and individual groups of students and also offers qualifications from these authorities through a range of subjects.  

In Year 9, all students take part in 'Prison, Me? No Way!' day. This is a national educational charity with a core aim of raising awareness among young people about the causes, consequences and penalties of crime - and how the Police uphold this. They also work very closely with NHS nurses and fire service men and women on the day. 


​Individual Liberty

In lessons, students are encouraged to join in and feel free to express their opinion. They also taught that they will have their opinion challenged and they have a right to reply to this too. Students are encouraged to make good choices and understand that it is their right to receive an empowering education in a safe environment. They are encouraged to exercise their rights and personal freedom, whilst appreciating that everyone is unique. This enables our students to feel self-confident and have high self-esteem.

This is reinforced with the Academy ensuring that they know and understand and have the information to make the right choices for them through excellent independent careers advice, assemblies and lessons on E-Safety, ARRK lessons and drop-down mornings. There is an abundance of leadership opportunities which students can become involved in, such as fundraising for local charities, or supporting younger students in school.


​Mutual Respect

This is a core value of the Academy. Students and all staff treat each other with great respect. The relationships between our staff and students are excellent. This is supported by our behaviour for Learning policy, assemblies, class and form discussions and through the daily interactions of all members and visitors to our school. Make an appointment, come in and wander around. You will see that mutual respect is everywhere.

Mutual respect is a key element of all lessons in the Philosophy & Ethics and ARRK curriculums, where students may be presented with opinions or beliefs which are very different from their own. While students are encouraged to express their own views, they are also expected to demonstrate respect for all members of society. Some examples include, but are not limited to, learning about relationships with reference to members of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as discussions about the effects of racism on society.

The mutual respect of our students is further developed through our recognition and celebration of a range of awareness days, including, but not limited to, Black History Month, Holocaust Memorial Day,  International Women’s Day and International Men’s Day contribute hugely to our ethos of Mutual Respect at the Academy. As well as in lessons, through enrichment and after-school activities pupils learn to respect each other in every way.

The proactive contribution from our Year and Student Council...providing a platform for student voice within the academy and opportunities for students to work mutually with the local community.


​Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Students understand their place in a culturally diverse society through the many opportunities they experience. This is through assemblies, tutor time activities, Philosophy & Ethics and ARRK. In particular, students get first-hand experience at working with people from different cultures. For example; we welcome visitors from different Christian backgrounds who run workshops with the students. The Academy challenges those opinions contrary to the fundamental British Value of tolerance, including 'extremist' views. These views are also addressed during Philosophy & Ethics and ARRK lessons.

All major religions are studied and respected, along with Humanist and Atheist viewpoints, and we believe that it is the responsibility of everyone to demonstrate tolerance and ensure that our students are knowledgeable and understanding citizens, prepared for life in modern Britain.

This means that as a school, we pride ourselves in working to ensure that children and young people are able to make a positive difference to the society in which they live – locally, nationally and globally.