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Sixth Form Enrichment

From the 10 - 21 June 2019, Holderness Academy Sixth Form students had the opportunity to take part in a range of activities for our annual Enrichment fortnight. The normal College timetable was suspended for Year 12 students. Students and staff have spent those days participating in a variety of activities not usually available during the normal College day. This was an opportunity to provide students with a unique educational experience relating to their areas of study and increase the breadth and depth of the education we offer. The ultimate aim is that students emerge at the end of the enrichment period with a broader understanding of education, new interests and a series of experiences that they can use when applying for Higher Education or entering employment.

The first week allowed students to participate in a large number of activities such as Spanish tapas cooking, photography workshops and rocket building, the students have found the events thoroughly engaging and a welcome break following the pressure of the exam season. The second week saw our students getting a head start on their options after Sixth Form, attending the UCAS Higher Education Exhibition at Hull University, an introduction to HE seminar and an Apprenticeship workshop from NYBEP. All very useful for planning those all important next steps!
We want to say an enormous thank you to all those involved in the Enrichment programme 2019.