MP and Councillors visit Holderness Academy & Sixth Form College

MP Graham Stuart has visited students at Holderness Academy to discuss school life and career prospects.
As part of a whistlestop tour of the school, the Beverley and Holderness MP spent time with a group of students from across the year groups.
During the visit, the students told him about the Holderness Academy values of Aspiration, Resilience, Respectful and Kind, and which ones they felt most resonated with them.
Mr Stuart also showed interest about hearing about the students’ aims for the future. Career goals included music production, computer science and mechanical engineering.
Head teacher Neal Holder also highlighted his aspirations to forge links with local businesses that provide work experience opportunities for young people in the community.
The visit also gave the students the chance to quiz Mr Stuart about his role as an MP, and he agreed to make a return visit, with a focus on political debate.
Mr Stuart said: “I was really impressed with the students I met at Holderness Academy. They were bright, curious, and interested in politics. I was pleased to hear that they are receiving excellent career guidance which is helping them to form their future career plans, which I am sure they will achieve if they continue to work hard."
“It was good to meet the school’s new head, Neal Holder, too. I hope he will lead the school with stability and ambition as he aims to raise the school to Outstanding over the next five years.”