Holderness Academy Ski Trip - Austria
On Thursday 4 April 2019, Holderness Academy students and staff departed for the annual Skiing Trip to Austria. Staff and students from Year 7 to Year 12 headed to the slopes at Alpendorf Resort for their incredible skiing experience.
Miss Smith (Deputy Head of Sixth Form) said "Our Austria 2019 ski experience was a huge success. We departed from Holderness Academy with 42 students, many of whom had never even seen a ski slope! On the first morning we arrived ready and raring to go, in the Alpendorf resort; this is an enormous ski region that caters for all levels of skier. After meeting their very friendly instructors, the students were organised into groups based on their previous ski experience. The next few days were spent developing ski knowledge so we could keep moving on to bigger and better slopes, eventually making our way to the top,where the views of the mountains were extremely impressive. We got involved in plenty of activities during the evenings including swimming, billiards and a pizza night. The conduct of the students throughout the visit was impeccable; every single student put their best foot forward, positively representing the Academy at all times. As a staff body, we couldn't have been more proud of our students. We ended the visit with a group of life-long skiers, many of whom are already signing themselves up for the next trip - we can't wait!"